

a note from kat …

I RISE to give my students the tools to live their best lives by teaching smart inclusive yoga with compassion and empathy. The mission here at Rise Yoga holds such an incredible value because I personally have experienced how yoga can heal. In many ways, yoga saved my life. It healed me.

I see my students.  I am them. We are the same.

There is something extraordinary about Kat.

β€œI’ve gone to many good yoga classes and have had my favorite instructors, but there is something extraordinary about Kat. It goes beyond her expertise, skillful flows, and challenging, yet doable classes. Even beyond feeling blissed out, grounded and totally aligned in a way that feels perfectly balanced and healthy within body, mind, and soul. Kat’s the embodiment of yoga. In a lighthearted way, she brings her love of yoga life to her students 100% of the time, in a way that feels attainable and practical. She has the uncanny ability to attune her messaging so that it’s relevant for what I needed to hear in the moment. And others have said the same. The healing I’ve experienced during her classes goes far beyond mere breath to connect message to movement so that the cumulative effects were quite profound. I can only say, you have to experience her classes for yourself.”

– Sonia B.


From the moment you walk into Kat’s class you know you belong.

β€œShe is welcoming and makes it her business to know every student’s name. Her class can be physically challenging, but are appropriate for any level yogi as you are encouraged to practice from where you’re at and get what you need. Her cues during practice help to improve strength and balance and prevent injury. She is candid and open and inspires her students to live a yogic life on and off the mat.”

– Johanna J.


She’s not only helped me to improve my practice, but has made me an overall better person.

β€œI can’t speak enough about how Kat has positively influenced and inspired my yoga practice physically- and even more importantly- mentally. No matter what the environment we’ve been in, she always takes great care in fostering a safe space for me to do my best work and feel seen and supported. She strikes a great balance between pushing you and supporting you, and I always come out of her class feeling better than when I came in. She instills a sense of community and encourages her students to get to know one another. She goes above and beyond her role as an instructor to truly get to know you as a friend. I can definitively say she’s not only helped me to improve my practice, but has made me an overall better person.”

– Dominic L.


Kat allows students to feel seen & understood.

β€œThere are hundreds of yoga teachers out there who can teach a physically challenging class with solid sequencing. Kat is one of the unique few who provide the FULL experience- physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Kat allows students to feel seen & understood. She is 100% authentic – providing the space for others to do the same, and in turn, serving as the catalyst for true personal growth and deeper connection.”

– Rachel R.


Yoga with Kat is a magical experience.

"I'm lucky enough to have both trained and practiced with her. Kat's knowledge and passion for yoga is evident in every class, and she is somehow always able to give and say exactly what I need on that day and in that moment. Her authenticity is tangible and a true inspiration to my yoga (and life) practice."

- Eileen Z.

I can’t say enough great things about Kat and the way she has changed my life through yoga.

I would recommend her for anyone at any skill level. Kat is the reason I fell in love with yoga. Her classes are challenging, but relaxing at the same time. I was lucky enough to go on a retreat this past November led by her and it was such a special experience. I would HIGHLY recommend Kat.”

– Erica S.

Kat’s classes have been a bright point over the past few years.

β€œHer messaging is honest, genuine, and complements the strong physical practice. She makes a point to build community around our shared experience - in a time where connection can feel difficult- this is something I am most grateful for.”

- Clair L.


When you take a class with Kat, you can feel the connection.

β€œWhen you take a class with Kat, you can feel the connection... to her, to the other students, and most importantly to yourself. Her intuitive style, expert sequencing, and hands-on-assists are unmatched, creating a type of magic that is hard to find.”

- Abby T.


Kat’s intro class I took changed everything.

β€œI’ve been trying to get started in yoga for literally years but nothing ever seemed to spark it. I tried a lot of different teachers and places but it just never stuck. Kat’s intro class I took changed everything. I’m so interested in yoga- I literally can’t get enough. Kat changed my whole thought of what yoga is and can be. I had a complete paradigm shift and yoga is helping my anxiety so, so, so, much. So... thank you Kat! Thank you so very much!”

– Joe K.


Kat is an intuitive yoga leader in the community.

β€œShe offers an accessible practice that can both challenge the yogi that wants to push and offer ease and relaxation to the yogi that wants to restore. With this approach I feel welcome to come as I am for every practice. I follow Kat wherever she holds classes.”

– Allie L.

Kat is as an exceptional teacher as she is human being. 

β€œDrawing from her personal experiences (and struggles, which she generously shares) Kat brings an authentic version of herself as she teaches with mindfulness and intention, which grounds every experience and lays the foundation for her class. Kat's classes push you to explore your limits and expand your practice while still maintaining a grounded focus, which leaves you, refreshed and a little more prepared to take on the world.” 

– Brian S.


THANKS Kat for being much more than a YOGA Teacher.

β€œMy intention is not to convince anyone about how amazing Kat is as a Yoga Teacher, as a Mom, as a friend and as a human being but just to share my experience since I met her. I met Kat 9 years ago (and have followed her since then, even after a 3 year sabbatical in New Zealand). After the first class with her I knew she was very special. There was an instant connection thru her voice, her manners, and her hands. For me it was like a healing experience. In her classes I felt safe, I felt her unconditional support and her lack of judgment. She gave me the freedom to fail and recover- and makes me feel I can conquer anything. THANKS Kat for being much more than a YOGA Teacher. She is really amazing!

– Leonor H.


Authentic, knowledgeable, caring...

β€œAuthentic, knowledgeable, caring... Kat’s classes are centered around thoughtful sequencing with strict attention to alignment. I always feel like I am actively expanding my yoga practice, as opposed to getting a workout. At the same time, her classes have me push my physical limits. I feel stronger after Kat's classes. Her messaging is genuine and noticeably from the heart. I have carried several mantras from her classes with me out into the world.”

- Joe F.


Kat is a real one trill one.

β€œThat simple statement holds the depth of radical welcome, authenticity, rigor and warmth. Kat’s personal practice as a student has given me a path for grace in my practice as her student. She’s trill because she’s vulnerable in sharing how she hasn’t given up on herself and in her likeness, encourages us, her students not to give up on ourselves. Kat provides a sanctuary yoga practice space for all of the vivid and beautiful spectrums that are reflected in those who are drawn to her practice.”

– Jasmine B.


Kat is hands down the most supportive, caring, and motivating instructor I have ever had.

β€œAfter moving to Cleveland with no connections with friends or family, I was worried I wouldn't enjoy my time. Soon after meeting a few girlfriends, they introduced me to Kat's yoga classes and that all changed. I have taken many yoga classes in life, and Kat is hands down the most supportive, caring, and motivating instructor I have ever had. Her classes are challenging with the perfect amount of relaxation. Her words of affirmation are not only realistic and relatable, but also humorous in the best way. The days I get to take class with Kat have become my favorite days because I get to end my long day in a space of vulnerability as Kat guides an incredible flow.”

- Erin C

Kat teaches yoga from her soul.

β€œKat brings fire to her teaching- combining authentic yoga with her own flair, which always leaves me exhilarated, uplifted and inspired. It’s amazing how Kat is able to give personal attention to each person in class. She’s one of my favorite humans and I feel so grateful to be in her space! #therealdeal”

- Debbie B.

The days I get to take class with Kat have become my favorite days…

β€œThe moment I started taking Kat’s class I truly felt a connection to her; from her messaging, to her music, to her flows- I was hooked. Her love for yoga and her students is so evident. Kat was part of the reason I chose to pursue my 200-hour yoga teacher training. She was an amazing teacher trainer, and inspired and motivated me to grow in my practice. I drive 45 minutes just to take her class! When I look around and see all the people- from so many places- that also seek her out as a teacher, I realize the impact she truly has. I consider Kat not only my yoga teacher, but also a friend. She is a gift to me and to the yoga community.”

– Mary Jo G.


Do. Not. Miss. Her. Classes.

β€œWhat is Kat’s yoga class like? Full body yoga, killer sequences, cardio workout, plus badass music = the best endorphin high! The most addicting one hour anyone will ever spend. Do. Not. Miss. Her. Classes.”

– Char G.


Kat is one of the most incredible yoga teachers I have had.

β€œShe clearly explains alignment and helps with alternative poses. Her genuine personality shows through as she teaches and guides us through the practice. Kat always stays after class for questions. I always feel at peace after her class no matter what personal challenges I have had that day. If you get the chance to take her class- sign up immediately!”

- Bonnie K.


I just Love Kat’s classes!

β€œShe always provides inspiration and food for thought. I learn something new every time I take her class! I love her creativity and unapologetic authenticity!!

– Cindy L


Kat displays such a deep passion for teaching and is always authentic. 

β€œShe creates a safe space for me to grow in my practice. I love how each practice includes strength, deep breathing, flow, lessons, and relaxation. Kat is a gift.”

- Karen L

Kat helped me become a better person one pose at a time.

β€œKat has been a big part of my growth in my yoga journey. She is my favorite for many reasons… but here are a few: She makes a point to learn everyone’s name and encourages us individually during class. Her messages are real- not always positive and full of rainbows and unicorns, but about what’s going on with life, with her and with all of us. She challenges me to be better by pushing us to be our best. Her classes are the most physically demanding and when you leave, you felt like you really did something good for yourself. Kat is welcoming to all: beginners to 500 hour teachers, etc.- no discrimination. And so many other reasons. I can tell she loves what she teaches and wants each of her students to be the best people- both in and out of class. Going through AA was life changing- and yoga helped. I needed to work on me and Kat helped me become a better person one pose at a time.”

– Tom H


A β€œKat class” is something you begin to crave.

β€œFrom my very first class with Kat, I was hooked. It was different than any other yoga class I had taken before. Kat was vulnerable, raw, and didn’t pretend to have it all together. She has the ability to speak directly to your soul and let you know that you’re not alone. To know her is to love her because she is real, and open, and so very special. A β€œKat class” is something you begin to crave. Kat has impacted so many of her students and I’m grateful to be one of them.”

– Mo D.


I truly have learned to love yoga because of Kat.

β€œKat is the best yoga teacher for me! She has such warmth and love for yoga that it is contagious. Her guidance through practice is consistently focused on reminding you to listen to your body and to breathe. I need those reminders often. I truly have learned to love yoga because of Kat. She is a gifted teacher!”

– Karen S.


It is clear Kat really cares so much about her students.

β€œKat got me back into yoga. Her classes are the perfect mix of renewal and building energy. I’ve learned so many new things since taking her class, from yoga poses and attempting inversions (which I’ve always thought I could never do) to important messages- like protecting your energy and how to engage your bandhas. I’ve already seen myself incorporate these lessons into my daily life. It is clear Kat really cares so much about her students. I’m obsessed with her and her personality!!!!”

– Alex M.

Honestly, Kat’s classes are some of the best I have ever experienced in 15 years of practice.

β€œShe has incredible skill as a teacher, to be sure. But it is Kat herself who makes the experience transformative. She is loving, kind, firm, and rigorous. And, in the end, each class feels like a journey toward strength and healing. In a word, Kat is the best.”

– Scott S.

Working in mental health, I need some positivity to keep myself going…

β€œWorking in mental health, I need some positivity to keep myself going after a hard day. Kat's (em)power flow class wasn't only a workout but also an exercise in reconnecting with myself and my needs. She is encouraging, has great playlists, and helps keep you in line with what really matters: self-care. It helped me to get through difficult weeks and enhanced my great weeks. Thank you Kat!"

– Ian J.


Thank you Kat, I am forever grateful to you.

β€œI gained so much wisdom and strength from Kat, not to mention better alignment. I really look forward to her classes, her vibe, her music and humble messages. Kat’s classes feel like β€œHome” because so much of what she shared in class is relatable to my own life. I carry certain things she says with me- when life gets really messy; it provides me a little light and comfort in those moments. Thank you Kat, I am forever grateful to you.”

– Jaclyn Z.


Kat is kind, compassionate and a gifted teacher.

β€œAfter a 15 year hiatus from a very informal yoga practice I found myself in Kat’s beginner yoga class. I had been meaning to get back onto my mat for years but fear and insecurity kept me procrastinating and justifying my absence. Kat was (is) kind, compassionate and a gifted teacher. To this day (7 years later) I hear her instructions in my head - not in a maternal scolding way, but in a loving, informative, patient way. She has the ability to make every person in the room feel loved and important. Her classes both kick your ass and calm your nerves! Seldom has a teacher since had such an impact on me. It’s also been a generational impact. Years ago I introduced my daughter to yoga while home on a college break, she has since gone to develop her own devoted practice and completed her YTT - I share that to demonstrate how far reaching Kat’s loving instruction can be. Simply put, if you’ve not yet taken a class of Kat’s- you’re truly missing out and should get to one ASAP.”

- Julie B.


Kat is freaking awesome at what she does!

β€œKat has a beautiful ability to connect with everyone in class and make us feel special, loved and encouraged- all while kicking our ass, and making us discover how strong or vulnerable we can be! Kat is freaking awesome at what she does! I am blessed to practice with her and appreciate all she has taught me and pushed me to do!”

- Susan E.


Her tone is consistent, warm and nurturing.

β€œKat’s classes are phenomenal, she is clearly an expert in her field. She instantly sets the tone for a calm, safe and healing environment. She is clear and considerate in her instruction and offers multiple options/ variations throughout the class to accommodate any level of practice. Her tone is consistent, warm and nurturing. I would recommend her class to any level yogi! 

- Kim S.

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Private Yoga Classes

Enjoy a curated private yoga experience with Kat.  Private yoga sessions are more than just a yoga class, but a yoga experience. Available in 1:1 Private Sessions or Group Events (2-13+ students).

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Local & Virtual Classes

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An inclusive yoga retreat experience that gives you the space to disconnect from daily life and experience self-care, deep connection, and healing - leaving you recharged and renewed. 

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Teacher Mentorship

Are you a 200- hour yoga teacher who recently completed your training but just aren’t quite ready, or confident enough, to take the leap and teach your first class? Or maybe you are a newer teacher seeking to add a little more depth and knowledge to your teaching? An apprenticeship with me may be for you!

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